Krazee Kause—Promoting Freedom

Donate to Wild n' Krazy, in order to help bring the truth to the world by paying our freelance journalists a living wage, while they risk their lives to expose government corruption and political scandals.

Indeed, all donations go directly to our freelance journalists, paying for their work, paying for their flights, paying for their hotel rooms, paying for their food and transportation, and providing them with extra money to obtain confidential information and secret documents, and so on.

Since our freelance journalists, which are mostly young-college women, travel into the most dangerous situations and countries around the world, we also pay a security team to travel with our freelancers, so your donations also help pay for their protection, while they travel across the world to fight for truth and freedom.

Krazee Kause Strives For Ultimate Freedom

As an independent news media and organization, all of our funding and support comes directly from you, the People, and any and all donations are appreciated.

Because we speak our mind, expose government corruption, and refuse to become government propaganda like mainstream media, Wild n' Krazy refuses to seek tax exempt nonprofit organization status; thus, your donation to Wild n' Krazy is not tax deductible.

We have released intel, explaining who and what Wild n' Krazy does as a news media brand, so check it out and see why zero news media brands rival Wild n' Krazy when it comes to truth and journalism.

However, if you would like to donate to a worthy charity, which is an exempt nonprofit organization, consider donating to the Freemen Frex, helping American children, and all children across the world.

If freedom is what you seek and desire, help us help you through a generous donation.


If you provide a name below, your name and donation will feature inside our next issue within our print magazine, thanking you and all the rest of our donors and sponsors.

In order to have fun with our donors, we welcome hilarious and adult names, so be creative, if you want, with your chosen donor-name.